Legal Accountants, Bookkeeping & Financial Services

Shelbourne Accountants and Shelbourne Financial offer specialist legal bookkeeping, legal accounts, and legal financial services. We offer expert and cost-effective services to over 50 solicitors firms across Ireland. 

To over 50 solicitors firms across Ireland. Legal Industry Knowledge

Accounting for solicitors is a heavily regulated and highly
specialist area that requires expertise, a real understanding of
the industry, and an understanding of the day-to-day needs of
law firms.

Our team of Chartered Accountants and Auditors is ACCA
regulated. Shelbourne Accountants will give you the peace of
mind that your accounts are being completed on time,
accurately, and efficiently with regard to all the current

Outsourced Accounts

In choosing Shelbourne Accountants as your legal bookkeeping
services provider, you have access to a whole host of advantages
that you might not benefit from when hiring a bookkeeper
to work solely for your firm or if you are doing the bookkeeping

Unsure Which Service Is For You?

Book a free 30-minute consultation. Our team of chartered accountants will address any accounting queries you have and provide you with the best advice to suit your current situation.